Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm new at this, bear with me

Penny for my thoughts? I might need it to buy my way out of prison, or maybe just for a plane ticket home... Do they pay your way if you get deported?

I wasn't kidding when I called this blog my internal monologue externalized. My apologies in advance for run-on sentences and tangents.

So for anyone who is interested, the plan so far is:

Leave Toronto at 2:30 pm on Sat. Dec. 27th
Meet Bianca in Sydney at 8:05 am on Mon Dec. 29th (Their time)
Be nearish to home by Christmas

I've got a pile of malarone, some antibiotics, a book, a bathing suit, a slingshot, and a snazzy new backpack (seeing as the school bag didn't fare so well last time...). I just have to find it all...

Merry Christmas, and alotta love!



  1. OK lets see if we've got this straight...come home after writing last exam with packed van; move 4 1/2 years of school "stuff" into bedroom so not in view for the holidays; attempt several times to navigate around the junkpile but end up doing more fun stuff such as reading new book or skyping with everyone; T minus 3 days with numerous banking, packing, shopping errands to do, with Christmas thrown in the middle...oh to be young again...at least I get to post the first comment on what we hope will be an entertaining and adventuresome trip...do come home again because we miss you already...love Dad.

  2. P.S. for family members my "handle" is my Squash Handle for our squash league blog...
